torsdag 30. oktober 2014

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

Hey, I’m back to blog even more! I thought to write about something historical, and my choice is really sad… I’ve decided to write about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. It’s not the happiest thing to write about, but I wanted to learn more about it!
The shooting took place December 14th, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members. The security at the school was high, after 09.30 am every day the doors were closed and locked. Lanza shot and killed his own mother when she still was in bed some time before 9.30 am, something I can’t understand at all… Lanza arrived at the Sandy Hook Elementary school shortly after 9.35 am. He shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school. He went through the whole school, room by room. Shot if he saw anyone, but in some rooms, they had hidden so he didn’t see them and continued, those people survived.

When responders arrived at the scene, Adam committed suicide by soothing himself in the head. Everything happened from about 9.15 am when he shot his mum, until 09.42 am when the police had the situation under control. This mass shooting is the second deadliest mass shooting by a single person in U.S. history, and it took place in a school!?

I’ve read the whole story about what this guy did. It’s so bad. I can’t understand how anyone can do anything like this? If you want to read more about what happened, I have linked it in the bottom.
The Sandy Hook shooting promoted renewed debate about gun control in the land. I think it is way too easy to get a weapon in the states. I can’t understand why Americans that easy can get a weapon… It’s like they’re scared of everything…
I still can’t believe how a person can do anything like this… But I hope you liked reading about it and think it is just as “exciting” as me… See you later, bye!



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