søndag 2. november 2014

Helen Keller

Hello, I’m back again! I’m going home in a really short time… But I can blog about at least about one more thing. And I have chosen a historical person… Helen Keller! I’m really looking forward to write this post.
Helen Keller was born 27th June 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. She dies 87 years old the 1st June 1968. Helen is most known for her work for blind and deafblind, both in the US and the rest of the world.
When Helen was 18 months old, she got sick. When the sickness were over, Helen was both blind and deaf. Because of the time this happened - when she started learning how to talk - she didn’t really learn it too well… The parents didn’t know what to do, at this time in Alabama, people didn’t know much about deafblind people. Helen lived very isolated in five years, nobody could communicate with her.

When Helen was 6 years old, the parents took her to Alexander Graham Bell. He was a known deafteacher – and he had invented the phone. He said they should give her a tutor, and they did. 3rd Mars 1887 Anne Sullivan was appointed Helens tutor. Anne learned Helen hand alphabets and she also learned Helen Louis Braille’s “Braille system”. She also learned to talk. She didn’t just learn to talk English, but also other languages and she learned the piano as well. In 1904 she completed college.
Helen was asked to travel around and lecture about her life. The audience were improved by her elegance, confidence and appearance. She travelled to new cities every day. In 1960 she wrote the book Light in My Darkness. Helen Keller was 14th September 1964 given Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
WOW, what a person? I think Anne should have been given some prices as well, but I can’t do anything with that. Helen have to be a fantastic person. If I could go back in time, I would visit Helen and Anne… But I can’t do that tough… I wish. Hope you liked reading about Helen and Anne as well. I need to start packing my suitcase soon, so I need to round up this post… See you later!


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